When operating in a competitive environment where a number on the page can tell you whether you’re talented or not, the amount of pressure you face to get results can be overwhelming. The good news is that many studies show that positive affirmations are one of the most effective ways to decrease stress among students and make their true talents shine. In one piece of research, students that practice positive affirmations for a medium period have reported a 0.30 increase in their GPA. 

So, if you want to be more responsible with your studies while also taking care of your mental health, here is a list of 101 positive affirmations for students you can practice daily:

Positive Affirmations for Students

1. All I can do is all I can do. 
2. My only job is to give my best at all times. 
3. I don’t have to prove my value to anyone. 
4. I attract tranquility and calmness.
5. Despite everything, I am still thriving. 
6. I am intelligent and smart, and I will never let anyone tell me otherwise. 
7. I attract good fortune with a positive mindset.
8. I am a prosperous and wealthy person.
9. My skills and abilities are constantly growing and developing
10. My bad results provide me with infinite wisdom. 

More affirmations: Your Personal List of 101 Positive Affirmations For Every Day

11. I recognize the value of a bad grade in my personal development. 
12. I am connected with the world around me.
13. Studying isn’t everything in my life. 
14. I won’t sacrifice other aspects of my life for school
15. I understand my results don’t define me as a person. 
16. I am conquering my fears and becoming stronger.
17. I am relaxing and becoming less stressed with every breathing.
18. I am overcoming my problems, as all of my issues have a solution. 
19. I am well and safe.
20. I have a prosperous future ahead of me. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Teens

21. Feeling happy is a good indication I’m on the right path. 
22. I have no real limitations, only mental ones I impose on myself. 
23. I can control my thoughts and actions.
24. I am conscientious and aware.
25. My life, my work and my relations are constantly prospering.
26. I am allowed to dream and live my life in happiness.
27. I deserve all blessings life could provide. 
28. I can and will succeed.
29. I can be the best version of myself.
30. I am finding the purpose of my life. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Money Affirmations

31. I am finding my place in this world. 
32. I can’t wait to use my skills to help people. 
33. I deserve to thrive by doing what I love. 
34. I don’t have to sell out to be successful. 
35. My field of studying is valued and necessary.
36. I attract positive energy.
37. I am an inspiration to my colleagues. 
38. I am exactly where I need to be at this moment.
39. I respect myself and my worth.
40. I am guided and so I am not lost.

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Self Love

41. I am wise and I trust my word.
42. I always make sure to give my body and mind a rest.
43. I am proud of myself and everything I’ve accomplished. 
44. I am letting go of old toxic habits that are holding me back. 
45. I speak to myself kindly and don’t engage in toxic competition. 
46. Other people’s journeys aren’t my own. 
47. Other people’s accomplishments don’t devalue my own. 
48. I will avoid procrastination by sticking to a healthy routine. 
49. I won’t engage in self-judgment. 
50. I will forgive myself for procrastinating. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Healing

51. I am the child of nature and belong to something greater
52. I will be remembered by many. 
53. I made to create meaningful work. 
54. I believe I have a place in the world only I can take. 
55. I have many people that love me and support me. 
56. I make a positive difference in my friend group. 
57. I bring happiness and joy wherever I go
58. I am expanding my potential with every fail and win.
59. I am rising from my traumas. 
60. I’m not defined by my past. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing

Positive Affirmations for Students
Positive Affirmations for students

61. I am motivated and dedicated.
62. I am confident and fearless.
63. I am persistent with my desires and goals.
64. I won’t sacrifice my purpose to make someone else happy. 
65. I am in command of my life and my choices
66. I am fully present in this moment and all is well. 
67. I am achieving more than I could ever hope for. 
68. I have everything I need to be a greater person every day.
69. I take bold decisions with confidence.
70. I understand my identity and will fight for my right to express it. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

71. I am grateful for what I already have and I am courageous to pursue my goals.
72. I am devoted to enjoying life and everything that makes me happy.
73. I know how to say “no” to projects that will not bring me a positive outcome. 
74. I am detached from everything and everyone that pull me down.
75. I am comfortable with myself and my history.
76. I am always seeking happiness, peace and joy.
77. I respect my time and my boundaries.
78. I recognize other people’s toxic behaviors and refuse to participate in them. 
79. I refuse to feel jealous or low because of other people’s happiness. 
80. I know how to ask for help, and I recognize how that makes me stronger. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Men

81. I know how to surround myself with caring people that are happy to help. 
82. I welcome everything that helps me to be a better person.
83. I understand that all obstacles are temporary and that I can overcome them.
84. I devote myself to my happiness. 
85. I am detached from things that make me anxious and worried. 
86. I understand anxiety is normal, but it does not get to control who I am. 
87. I’m visualizing a more positive future that I can aspire to. 
88. I see all of the good things I can do for my community. 
89. I have nothing but love for my past self. 
90. I am part of the beauty of the world. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Women

91. I have the power to make the world a better place with small actions. 
92. I understand the purpose of my emotions and I respect my feelings.
93. I know the value of being vulnerable with people I trust.
94. I’m so happy with my progress. 
95. I understand that a positive mindset is necessary for all positive change. 
96. I recognize that my improvement journey won’t be linear. 
97. I’m learning more about myself with each day that passes. 
98. I can get everything on my to-do list done. 
99. I refuse to sacrifice my mental health for better grades. 
100. I refuse to sacrifice my sleep and nurture for school. 
101. I understand that taking care of myself is an act of self-love, not selfishness. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Self-Esteem

Many students decide to optimize their positive affirmations by writing them down in their notebooks and incorporating them into their study sessions. The Pomodoro Study Technique, for example, encourages students to focus for 25 minutes on a task and followed by a 5-minute break. Using this technique, you can practice positive affirmations during each break and give yourself a boost extra confidence and motivation for your next focus session. 

Author Voicu Mihnea

More posts by Voicu Mihnea

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