It’s extremely difficult to build self-confidence as a teenager in the era of social media, where it seems like every day there’s something new to worry about. Thigh gaps, higher GPA, summer jobs, and figuring out what to do for the rest of your life. In situations like these, it is very important to practice self-affirmations daily and build up self-confidence for a healthier mind. 

So, to help you with that, here are 101 positive affirmations for teens that you can practice daily.

positive affirmations for teens
Positive affirmations

1. I’m going to pursue greatness today. 
2. I will surround myself with people that build me up. 
3. I am the best in my own way.
4. I will visualize a better me every day.
5. Other people’s beauty does not invalidate my own.
6. I am comfortable in my own skin. 
7. I love and accept my body the way it is. 
8. I am smart and clever, grades won’t define me. 
9. I am kind and compassionate.
10. I am grateful for what I have.

More affirmations: Your Personal List of 101 Positive Affirmations For Every Day

11. I have a lot of people who love and care about me. 
12. I can turn my environment into a more positive one. 
13. I can make the world a better place than it was before me. 
14. I have the right to be happy, and I’ll do everything to get there. 
15. I am strong enough to deal with difficulties.
16. I embrace positive change, even when it scares me. 
17. I see value in others and appreciate them without comparing myself. 
18. My body makes me strong. 
19. I keep my body as healthy as I can. 
20. I spread and receive love. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Money Affirmations

21. I use my creativity to help others. 
22. I allow myself to make many mistakes before reaching my goal. 
23. I belong here. 
24. I have a place in my environment. 
25. I have friends and family who appreciate me. 
26. I am growing stronger every day. 
27. I would be missed by many if I wasn’t here. 
28. I am a good influence. 
29. Being different is valuable. 
30. Accepting help from others does not make me weak. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Self Love

31. My life is significant. 
32. I don’t have to exceed academically to be who I want to be. 
33. I will get through this. 
34. The people I admire have flaws just like me. 
35. My interests and opinions matter.
36. My worth is determined by myself, not by my grades. 
37. My value cannot be put on a scale. 
38. I cannot wait to start my day. 
39. I will keep going because I believe in my path. 
40. It’s okay to not know everything I want in the future.

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Healing

41. No one has it figured out yet. 
42. I am open to all opportunities. 
43. I am safe and sound, at this moment, all is well. 
44. I choose to fully participate and add to this world. 
45. I fill my days with joy and hope. 
46. What happened in the past is over now. 
47. I choose to focus on my future instead of dwell on the past. 
48. My self-love opens me for a healthier life. 
49. My mind is amazing, I am capable of all I focus on. 
50. I want to help others and make an impact. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing

51. I will leave my mark wherever I go. 
52. Those who judge me are only judging themselves. 
53. In a few years from now, no one will remember my embarrassing moments. 
54. My first love will probably not be my last, I accept that.
55. I’m open to hearing advice from people who love me. 
56. I won’t engage in competitions, I have my own pace.
57. I am not lost, I am a work in progress. 
58. I’m only at the beginning of my journey. 
59. I will start my day thinking about my blessings. 
60. I’m so proud of my attempts. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

61. If I keep on going, this will all be worth it. 
62. I will give myself a chance to make things better. 
63. Chances are, most people don’t notice my flaws as much as I do. 
64. People who bring me down don’t belong in my inner circle. 
65. My feelings have a purpose and I appreciate them. 
66. I give myself time to stop and consider my decisions. 
67. Not everyone is going to like me, and that’s okay. 
68. I deserve friends who treat me well. 
69. I can feel overwhelmed today, but tomorrow is a new day.

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Men

70. I’m amazed by my maturity.
71. I know how to stand up for what is right. 
72. My courage can get me through anything. 
73. I believe I can be healthier. 
74. I can be more positive each day. 
75. I am free to choose my path. 
76. No one knows me better than I do. 
77. I did my best today. 
78. All I can do is all I can do. 
79. I will seek people that want to grow and be better. 
80. I’m confident and radiate beauty. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Women

81. My positive thoughts create positive actions. 
82. I’m open to the world and ready to learn. 
83. I’m strong and determined. 
84. Wonderful things are coming my way. 
85. I’m building my inner strength. 
86. Today is my day. 
87. I will live in this moment.
88. What others think of me is a reflection of who they are. 
89. I will take a deep breath and start over. 

90. My mind is clear, my heart is open. 
91. Before making decisions, I will put my situation into perspective. 
92. A better day is just around the corner. 
93. I feel calm and everything is under control. 
94. The more I let go of negativity, the better I will feel. 

95. I forgive my past self. 
96. I attract good things. 
97. I will set boundaries for my wellbeing. 
98. I will figure this out and persevere. 
99. Baby steps will take me a long way. 
100. I’m excited to be me. 
101. I am deserving of my dreams. 

You can also create your own phrases to substitute your insecurities, but it’s important to practice these positive affirmations for at least a few minutes each day to improve your mindset. 

Author Voicu Mihnea

More posts by Voicu Mihnea

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