The premise of positive affirmations is to find your self-determination and to interrupt the loop of self-doubting thoughts. They can work as a way to program your mind, directing focus on the things that matter and feelings that serve you some purpose. Regular practice of positive affirmations is shown to improve education, relationships, and health (Cohen & Sherman, 2014), and its benefits can last for months and years. 

So here is a list of positive affirmations for self love you can practice for a few minutes every day.

positive affirmations for self love
positive affirmations for self love

1. I follow my own heart, not other people’s expectations of me. 
2. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see the person I’ve always wanted to be. 
3. I’m so proud of myself. 
4. I’m proud of how I deal with adversities. 
5. I’m happy and grateful for every day I wake up. 
6. I know that I would be missed if I wasn’t here. 
7. I can make my loved ones happier. 
8. I recognize my value within my environment. 
9. I have achieved a lot in my personal and professional life. 
10. I’m more than good enough. 

More affirmations: Your Personal List of 101 Positive Affirmations For Every Day

11. I don’t have to be perfect to be incredible. 
12. My skills are appreciated and valued. 
13. My body is perfect for me. 
14. I strive to be healthier every day because I love myself. 
15. I can visualize how much stronger I will be in the future. 
16. I have goals and dreams I’m committed to achieving. 
17. I will not give up on myself. 
18. All I can do is try my best, and that’s good enough. 
19. I take time out of my day dedicated to self-care. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Teens

20. I take care of my body, mind, and soul. 
21. I seek activities that make me feel whole. 
22. I have a purpose in this life. 
23. I allow myself to feel bad when I have to. 
24. I don’t need to be strong 24/7.
25. The only person I’m most responsible for is myself. 
26. It’s not my job to met other people’s expectations. 
27. I know some people are too negative to be in my life. 
28. I deserve loving people that match my energy. 
29. I only feel compassion towards people that try to bring me down. 
30. I’m too strong to surrender to negativity. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Money Affirmations

31. My energy is whole and positive. 
32. I have the power of changing my environment for the better. 
33. There are so many things I can do to make the world a better place. 
34. The only approval I need is my own. 
35. I can sleep calmly every night knowing I did my best. 
36. My consciousness is clear and light. 
37. I can feel myself attracting positive energy from others. 
38. I have the key to self-forgiveness. 
39. I will do whatever it takes to heal. 
40. I can feel my wounds closing. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Healing

41. I might not feel great, but I’m better today than I was yesterday. 
42. I’m courageous for trying. 
43. I understand my emotions and won’t try to suppress them.
44. I am a beautiful soul. 
45. My looks don’t measure my worth. 
46. I observe my fears but try anyway. 
47. I have the power to adapt and improve constantly. 
48. One bad decision does not make me a bad person. 
49. I accept my flaws without being defined by them. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing

50. I do not expect perfection from myself. 
51. I won’t allow others to bring me down to their level.
52. I respect people who are healthy and confident without feeling envy. 
53. I won’t aspire to be anyone else. 
54. My future self will be proud of me. 
55. I will do anything I need to heal. 
56. My love for myself grows every day. 
57. I will take on the responsibility for my happiness. 
58. I am compassionate with myself when I fail. 
59. No one is without flaws. 
60. Before going to bed I will think about the small things I accomplish during the day. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

61. I will not allow jealousy to poison my soul. 
62. I will not engage in comparisons and competitions. 
63. I will recognize self-doubting thoughts and interrupt them. 
64. I will substitute negative thoughts for positive ones throughout my day.
65. I accept challenges because I know I can win or deal with defeat.
66. I forgive others to acquire inner peace. 
67. I let go of my hatred and anger as they do not serve me. 
68. I let go of my regret for past decisions as they are behind me. 
69. I’ve earned everything I have. 
70. I know who I am and won’t let others convince me otherwise. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Men

positive affirmations for self love
self love

71. I am cared for. 
72. I feel safe in my environment. 
73. I will forget my insecurities, even for just a moment.
74. I have kind words and thoughts to myself.
75. I let go of what I cannot change. 
76. I set boundaries out of self-respect. 
77. I have limitless potential hidden within me. 
78. I have more power to change myself and my environment than I ever thought.
79. Only I get to dictate who I am.
80. I embrace my individuality. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Women

81. I accept compliments confidently. 
82. I understand self-confidence is a process. 
83. The universe soothes me with positive energy.
84. If I could see myself from the outside, I wouldn’t be so harsh with me. 
85. I’m doing all I can do, every day. 
86. I prioritize myself and my needs. 
87. I choose to fill my mind with loving thoughts. 
88. I will recognize and move away from negativity in my life. 
89. I know I’m on the right path when I feel joy. 

90. I’m about to encounter my purpose in life. 
91. I don’t feel the need to judge myself negatively. 
92. I will set up a healthy routine for myself. 
93. I trust my intuition to show me the right choice. 
94. I see the beauty in my life. 
95. I reward myself for my hard work and accomplishments.
96. I have so much to be grateful for. 
97. Loving myself means I’m able to love others. 
98. I’m my own best friend. 
99. No one would judge me as harshly as I do. 
100. I choose to cultivate a better mindset. 
101. I will make a positive change in my life today. 

Self-affirmations require regular practice if you want to get lasting results out of them. That is why creating a routine is so crucial. You can set aside a few minutes in the morning or at night to practice your favorite affirmations, the ones that resonate more with your situation. Make sure to pay attention and visualize the positive outcome when practicing. In that way you can get a more effective result. 

Author Voicu Mihnea

More posts by Voicu Mihnea

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