The Romanian Article (Articolul) | Learn Romanian Grammar Lessons

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In this lesson we will look at another aspect of Romanian grammar.

Hai să începem. Let’s start.

The Romanian Article (Articolul)

In Romanian, the two main articles are, the definite article (articolul hotărât) and the indefinite article (articolul nehotărât).

The definite article is attached at the end of the word. It differs for the masculine and the feminine nouns depending on the final letter of each noun, and also there are variations for the singular and plural.

The definite article in the singular (articolul hotărât la singular)

– In the case of a singular masculine noun (substantiv masculin – singular) ending into a consonant, the definite article is “l” which is preceded by the vowel ”u”. So, noun+u+l.

For example, bărbat (man) becomes bărbatul (the man).
We added “u” and “l” to “bărbat” and thus we have “bărbatul”.

Bărbatul a spălat vasele în timp ce se uita la televizor.The man washed the dishes while he was watching TV.

– In the case of a singular feminine noun (substantiv feminin – singular), the definite article (which is added at the end of the word) is “a”.

For example, carte (book) becomes cartea (the book).
We added “a” to “carte” and thus we have “cartea”.

Copilul a pus cartea cu copertă roșie în ghiozdan.
The child put the book with the red cover in the school bag.

– For a neuter noun in the singular (substantiv neutru – singular), the definite article has the same forms as for a masculine noun (adding “u” and “l”).

For example, the noun telefon (phone) becomes telefonul (the phone).
We added “u” and “l” to “telefon” and thus we have “telefonul.”

Telefonul a sunat timp de trei minute, dar nu a răspuns nimeni.
The phone rang for three minutes, but nobody answered.

LEARN MORE: 5 Simple Romanian Dialogues | Learn Romanian Conversation Lesson #1

The definite article in the plural (articolul hotărât la plural)

– In the case of a plural masculine noun (substantiv masculin – plural), the definite article is “i” and it is added at the end of the word. Be aware that, since it’s a noun in the plural, it is added to the plural noun in the masculine.

For example, băieți (boys) becomes băieții (the boys).
We added “i” to “băieți” and thus we have “băieții.”

Băieții s-au întâlnit sub pod.
The boys met under the bridge.

– In the case of a plural feminine noun (substantiv feminin – plural), the definite article is “le” and it is added at the end of the word. Be aware, since it’s a noun in the plural, it is added to the plural noun in the feminine.

For example, fete (girls) becomes fetele (the girls).
We added “le” to “fete” and thus we have “fetele.”

Fetele din clasa mea au câștigat campionatul de volei.
The girls in my class won the volleyball championship.

– For a neuter noun in the plural (substantiv neutru – plural), the definite article has the same form as for a feminine noun (adding “le” after the plural noun).

For example, obiecte (objects) becomes obiectele (the objects).
We added “le” to “obiecte” and thus we have “obiectele.”  

Obiectele din buzunarul lui nu îi aparțin.
The objects in his pocket do not belong to him.

The indefinite article in the singular (articolul nehotărât la singular)

– In the case of a singular masculine noun (substantiv masculin – singular), the indefinite article is formed by adding “un” in front of the noun.

For example, băiat (boy) becomes un băiat (a boy).
We added “un” in front of “băiat”: un băiat

Câinele a fost scos la plimbare de un băiat în geacă maro.
The dog was taken out for a walk by a boy in a brown jacket.

– In the case of a singular feminine noun (substantiv feminin – singular), the indefinite article is formed by adding “o” in front of the noun.

For example, fată (girl) becomes o fată (a girl).
We added “o” in front “fată”: o fată

Tabloul a fost pictat de o fată din clasa a 12-a.
The paining was made by a girl in the 12th grade.

– For a neuter noun in the singular (substantiv neutru – singular), the indefinite article is formed same as the masculine noun (adding “un” in front of the noun).

For example, loc (place) becomes un loc (a place).
We added “un” in front of “loc”: un loc

De abia am găsit un loc de parcare.
I barely found a place to park.

The indefinite article in the plural (articolul nehotărât la plural)

The indefinite article in the plural has the same form for all three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter). We simply add “niște” in front of the plural noun.

For example:

– The masculine noun in the plural băieți (boys) becomes niște băieți (some boys).
We added “niște” in front of “băieți”: niște băieți

M-am întâlnit cu niște băieți din alt cartier.
I met some boys from a different neighborhood.

– The feminine noun in the plural fete (girls) becomes niște fete (some girls).
We added “niște” in front of “fete”: niște fete

Florile au fost culese ieri dimineață de niște fete în drum spre școală.
The flowers were picked up yesterday morning by some girls on their way to school.

– The neuter noun in the plural obiecte (objects) becomes niște obiecte (some objects).
We added “niște” in front of “obiecte”: niște obiecte

Am găsit niște obiecte la mine în sertar care nu îmi aparțin.
I found some objects in my drawer that do not belong to me.


And that’s the end of another Romanian Language Lesson. Now it’s your turn. Make a sentence with one of the target words and post it in the comments section below.

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Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan