NEW YEAR WISHES. Urări de Anul Nou

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New Year

An nou fericit. Happy New Year

The New Year is upon us and what better way to celebrate it than by wising your family and friends in Romanian? In this article of Learn Romanian Blog I will teach 5 expressions you can use to wish someone on New Year in Romanian.

Hai să începem. Let’s start.


Îți urez un An Nou fericit. (informal)

Vă urez un An Nou fericit. (formal or in the plural)

I wish you a happy New Year.


Fie ca Anul Nou să-ți aducă multă sănătate.

May the New Year bring you great health.


Fie ca bucuria adusă de sărbătorile iernii să vă însoțească în Anul Nou.

May the joy brought by the winter holidays follow you in the New Year.


E cumpăna dintre ani. La mulți ani și un an nou fericit!

It’s the turn of the year. Happy birthday and happy new year!


La mulți ani cu veselie, sănătate pe vecie, casă plină de bucate, dragoste pe săturate, bani la greu, noroc cu carul, ce doriți și sus paharul.

A joyful happy birthday, forever health, a bountiful home, all the love you can get, tons of money, as much luck as you can carry, all you want, and drink up.

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And that’s the end of this festive article of Learn Romanian Blog. An nou fericit. Happy New Year. Let me know in the comments section below what wishes do you send you family and friends. Feel free to write in your own language (but provide a translation in English).

Now watch the video lesson:

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Ceau. This is Mihnea, signing out from Bangkok.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan