420 is a code-term that has evolved into a subculture and an annual event celebrated by cannabis enthusiasts around the world on April 20th (4/20 in U.S. date notation). The origins of “420” as a code for marijuana are somewhat murky, but it’s broadly accepted that the term began with a group of high school students in the 1970s. Over the years, it’s become a global phenomenon and a rallying cry for cannabis legalization and social reform.

Here are 25 quotes about 420, each illuminating a different facet of this cultural phenomenon:

  1. “420 isn’t just a number; it’s a global invitation to discuss freedom of choice and social equity.”
    – (Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist and Author)
  2. “Celebrating 420 is not just about smoking weed; it’s a symbol for a counterculture against unjust prohibition.”
    – (Anonymous, Grassroots Activist)
  3. “In a world full of doing, doing, doing, it’s important to take a moment to just breathe, to just be. 420 allows us that moment.”
    – (Unknown, Social Media)
  4. “420: The only time where everyone is on the same ‘high-level’ discussion.”
    – (Anonymous, Cannabis Enthusiast)
  5. “The 420 movement is not just about getting high; it’s about advocating for our right to get high.”
    – (Tommy Chong, Actor and Cannabis Rights Advocate)
  6. “420 is not a date. It’s a lifestyle.”
    – (Snoop Dogg, Musician and Cannabis Entrepreneur)
  7. “We use 420 as a peaceful protest against a law that makes no sense.”
    – (Steve DeAngelo, Cannabis Industry Leader)
  8. “420 is more than an occasion; it’s a stand against an outdated mindset.”
    – (Rick Steves, Travel Writer and Cannabis Legalization Advocate)
  9. “420 gives people a reason to gather and celebrate a plant that has been demonized for far too long.”
    – (Anonymous, Cannabis Advocate)
  10. “This is 420, the highest point of enlightenment.”
    – (Unknown, Meme Culture)

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  11. “On 420, the green isn’t just the herb, it’s the color of change.”
    – (Morgan Freeman, Actor and Cannabis Advocate)
  12. “420 is the Christmas of cannabis.”
    – (Willie Nelson, Musician and Cannabis Advocate)
  13. “420 is a reminder that the fight isn’t over. Legalization doesn’t mean acceptance.”
    – (Charlo Greene, Cannabis Activist)
  14. “Every day is 420 for those who’ve found peace with the herb.”
    – (Unknown, Internet Quote)
  15. “420 is a declaration of freedom, and I think that’s something we can all get behind.”
    – (Bill Maher, TV Host and Political Commentator)
  16. “On 420, we don’t just light up, we light up awareness.”
    – (Unknown, Cannabis Enthusiast)
  17. “The day may be 4/20, but the message is timeless.”
    – (Anonymous, Social Activist)
  18. “420 is a community, an alliance, and above all, a peaceful movement for change.”
    – (Cheech Marin, Actor and Comedian)
  19. “420 is not about promoting drugs; it’s about promoting choice.”
    – (Joe Rogan, Comedian and Podcast Host)
  20. “The message of 420 goes beyond borders, beyond age, and beyond color. It’s universal.”
    – (Wiz Khalifa, Musician and Cannabis Entrepreneur)

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  21. “420: A symbolic uprising against unnecessary constraints.”
    – (Cynthia Nixon, Actress and Politician)
  22. “In the world of 420, the only bad trip is not having the freedom to take the journey.”
    – (Anonymous, Internet Quote)
  23. “We’re not promoting 420; we’re demoting prohibition.”
    – (Montel Williams, TV Host and Medical Cannabis Advocate)
  24. “420 is not a time of day. It’s a state of mind.”
    – (Unknown, Popular Saying)
  25. “420 is more than a number or a day; it’s a rallying cry for liberty, equality, and the end of cannabis stigmatization.”
    – (Norman Reedus, Actor and Artist)

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Note: Some of these quotes are attributed to known figures advocating for cannabis legalization, while others are from anonymous sources or are popular sayings within the cannabis community.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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