“My path has always been led by the path itself.” – Interview with transformational coach Svetlana Green

transformational-coach-Svetlana-GreenSvetlana Green is a transformational coach from Calgary, Canada. In this interview she talks about how people can align themselves to their inner purpose and how they can discover their true selves.

Vociu Mihnea Simandan: How has your upbringing influenced your choices in life?

Svetlana Green: Helping people to look deeper into their lives and by experiencing my deep calling from within that drives me along in life today, I can tell that we always live inner purpose, but it can be expressed in opposite ways making us fulfilled or can worn us out completely.

As a child, born in Russia, in a very rural area, I was fascinated by adventurous explorations and people who would go to unchartered territories to find a new land, to discover new cultures, treasures, or just to fulfill their blazing bravery heart – to find that Holy Grail we’re all looking for. Somehow I knew in my own heart that I would live somewhere else, not even in Russia (remember, we are talking about a country that kept everything behind an Iron Curtain). From a very young age, I was fascinated by the human nature questioning our behaviour, studied philosophy, history, psychology, religion and science. This is all thanks to the Russian educational approach and our rich culture that encouraged my natural curious mind to explore.

I can see now, that I’ve never planned my life, set goals, and had desires or wishes as people usually do. My path has always been led by the path itself, laying a chain of lucky synchronicities that I only recognised afterwards.

Since then, I’ve lived in five countries of different cultures in Europe, Asia, Canada, and Australia. I don’t associate myself with just one nationality, country, or religious tradition. I’ve experienced many interesting twists and turns – living in very tight material conditions when I would wonder what I was going to feed my children tomorrow. A couple of times I even found myself with no roof above my head, wondering where I’m going to sleep. But my path never failed to “provide”, also from time to time granting me with great material fortune.

Life definitely has been very interesting to me, teaching me that nothing can robber my spirit, no matter circumstances. My biggest challenge has always been my close romantic relationships, and also the conflict between how I feel within myself and what the world expects from me. As I understand now, this was an inner conflict of the unconditional freedom I wanted to live and how I can fit it into my relationships and the world.

So the choices have become really easy when I finally began to experience rather than just understand that there is my “human” love and The Love (Oh, this word is so overused and misunderstood). Human love, I would not even call it ego, it’s our connection and desire to make our “human condition” comfortable and cozy; this is always mixed with emotions, attachments, expectations, etc. And there is The Love which is my blazing heart that actually drives me along my life. I don’t really have a choice but to follow it because even if my “human love” can get what it wants, it won’t work anyway because my “The Love” will find a way to destroy these conditions to free itself.

The term “unconditional love” is so foreign to us because we don’t really know ourselves, and we underestimate ourselves. It has a flavour of being “sexless”, “emotionless”, “passionless”, even though it’s not true, but we have difficulties to experience it. How about “unconditional freedom”? We’re all longing for freedom. Aren’t we? But it’s not a freedom from relationships and conditions. It’s really the sense of freely experiencing your loving heart. That’s where I am today.

VMS: How did you get into helping people understand themselves? 

SG: A few years ago I stopped “searching” and “healing” when I realised that there was really nothing to fix, to heal, and to search. I asked myself these questions: “What is it that really matters to me? What is my real desire in life and what can fulfil it?” I then realized that I wanted “to live every moment of my life as me”. Shortly after, I learned abut the Human Design System and Gene Keys and this became my true passion. To help me fulfil my purpose (confirmed through this teaching that I was already living, but struggling with) I became an advocate of a new consciousness which helps people gain that inner freedom of self expression. This is the main attribute of the new era that humanity has already stepped into.

Gene Keys teaching has synthesised my two other passions: computer science and health. I used to be a computer programmer and I still love to see sacred geometry, fractals and 64 binary codes underpinning everything in the universe, such as biology, music, architecture, all Western traditions, and computer science. After my first career in the computer science field, I tried to pursue a naturopathic career as a service for others and discovered that I was not really “a healer” because I never got sick so I don’t understand how others do it. I don’t know how to heal, but I know how to stay healthy, probably because of my physic but mostly because I can “feel” when I’m about to get sick and can intuitively attune to the body to help me. I cannot teach it. But from my “struggle,” my true purpose has emerged: to help extend an awareness and consciousness which is not for everyone but only for people who really want to help themselves.

VMS: Tell us more about Gene Keys?

SG: Gene Keys is a Universal language of archetypes describing our DNA and the nature of existence through a 64 code because the same fractal patterns that were formed in the universe at the moment of your birth are imprinted in your DNA. At the heart of Gene Keys is the synthesis of the genetic codon groupings and a grid of I Ching – the Book of Change. We do experience all 64 characteristics and qualities in our DNA, but only a specific DNA code is activated giving each of us a very unique genetic blueprint that translates a very unique expression into the world.

This is our personal signature which is far richer than just our personality. It contains your higher destiny – what you’re here to do, how to “serve” the evolutionary force, what the purpose of your existence is. It describes the dynamic of your relationships, your mental, emotional, and spiritual wiring. It contains your “personal” hidden fears that you came here to transcend and release something bigger than your passions and skills. It doesn’t mean, you have to be a leader or “work” on a global level. But it means you will take your natural place in the bigger picture and will do all your “service” from your heart rather than fear. It’s a deep recognition that what you do is exactly right for you. And it means you automatically do service “for others” by just being you.

The trick is that our DNA is not determined as it’s understood but actually can operate at different frequencies and our life is shaped by these frequencies. Most people operate at very low fear-based frequencies which is a paradox of the existence – along with our higher destiny, there is a fear based particular patterns which are also hidden. It’s our ancestral wound that we don’t like to look at, it’s too painful. It’s our ancestral suffering of forgetting our highest destiny. It came with a challenge that shows up every time something or someone touches this pain.

When you begin to recognise your own pain, out of all suffering and fears of all human beings, you can transform them into the “service” – your ultimate purpose – to help transform the suffering of humanity by stopping your own suffering. Your purpose will reveal to you why you do things you do and love, basically your hidden motivation.

We all heard about the conscious and the unconscious. What people don’t realise is that the unconscious is a collective. But when you select “your” patterns then you can come clear in life to everything around you. For the mind to sooth and calm it, we use the language of archetypes. The mind understands it better. For instance, in the sequence of my life’s work-growth-purpose, my life’s work is an archetype of Authority. My challenge is to be able to put myself at the spotlight as someone who leads by an example with a deep knowledge of something I like doing.

My fear-based attitude is over controlling others, which was actually expressed in my relationships, but it was not supposed to be in relationships, it’s my “collective” role. But because there is a fear of inadequacy sitting in my growth spot, I was not able to expose myself to the public until I learned to be comfortable with this. Our challenge will never get resolved, but it will transform eventually when we learn to be comfortable with it. We are not victims of our DNA, but we are victims of our behaviours. The Gene Keys help to bring into light our behaviours and direct them purposefully. I see Gene Keys as a hammer that cracks you open to your natural genius and highest potentials.

VMS: This is not something your regular office worker would look for. It seems that, these days, a quicker fix to any problem might be a trip to the pharmacy. What are the benefits of your approach?

SG: This is not for everyone right now because the majority of our human population don’t realize yet that we live in a different era now. It’s not out there in the far or near future. It’s here and now. The rules are different. The values are different. The quality of the energy is different. The quality of the consciousness is different. It’s all absolutely unknown and foreign. All of a sudden we all have become cave men and women and found ourselves in the future still using stone hammers for our elegant technologies and gadgets. People don’t realize that there is no quick fix anymore, in fact, there isn’t any fix. We cannot fix something that doesn’t exist, even it still looks like it does. Energetically, it doesn’t exist. That’s why it’s collapsing.

At the same time, it’s for everyone. Unconsciously, we’ve already made a choice towards unconditional love and freedom. This is not a fix which will eventually change the fabric of our reality.

VMS: Who are your clients and what do they expect from you?

SG: I ask everyone to be concerned about their true fulfilment rather than make their human existence comfortable. Especially if you find yourself losing everything your life was built upon as I found myself at one point of my life – my marriage of 22 years, my career, money, the house and my inner values all were gone simultaneously. When something is not working in our life, whether the external or inner realization of the desire for change, it’s a good time to leap into a different level. Because if you postpone or try to “fix” what’s broken, you might lose a momentum for change. It’s much easier to let go what doesn’t work than when it’s all good and comfy. It’s easier to let go what you don’t like than what you like. It’s really a challenge for many of us to let go our inner attachments to things we nurture ourselves – our beliefs and traditions, or money and relationships, etc.

Also, probably, people who consider themselves “spiritual” can understand this teaching deeper. Although, I don’t put it into a category of “spiritual” – whatever that may mean. This is about you and your life, you make the decisions. If someone wants to stop all spiritual search and finally “get it” by living their “enlightenment” and bask in prosperity instead of searching for it, then that’s for them.

The uniqueness of my work and teaching lies in getting access to one own’s inner resources and intelligence. We’re taught to be an expert whether intentionally or unintentionally by gurunizing everyone else. Now we’re living in a society of experts. I can assist only with my deep understanding of the essence of each Gene Keys but it is you who still know yourself better than I do. The guidance will come from creating the living space for the transmission to take place. It’s beyond mental understanding, because it seems to be coming from the space that is beyond pure knowledge, the space where all connections are made. I call it unconditional love.

My essence definitely has an effect. I will be “watching” and “seeing” my client, giving their mind “the food” to trick it with questions and creative ARTsignments (playing with words and images – no creative skills are needed). You see, we all love the stories we tell ourselves and, usually, relationships and life challengers create this place to show us where we are not free by shaking and collapsing our reality. It’s better if someone is beside you to see what you don’t see; it maybe a trusted friend who has your interests in the heart. Or I can be that trusted friend who understands you better than you know yourself. This I can guarantee.

VMS: What is the role of meditation, practices, or techniques in your session?

SG: There are no practices, techniques, or meditation sessions. The good news is that this gives a quicker way to inner realisations in comparison with years of doing and improving yourself and your life by sitting in meditation. It’s definitely a shortcut to go through the maze of your fears, beliefs, negative thinking, distractive behaviours, but it’s not a fix, a practise, or tradition. We use a forgotten art of contemplation that works in the everyday life while driving, washing dishes, even watching TV. You don’t need to withdraw yourself from your life or change your lifestyle.

An example of contemplation can be when you ask an open question and leave it and the answer comes out of blue. Or when you try to remember something and then give up and you remember suddenly. To contemplate, we need a subject and the subject will be one’s own true nature. The beautiful part of it: you’re never done. It’s not like you get your solutions and results. The more you search, the more seems to be discovered. As a consequence, you’re getting more and more of yourself, freer and freer. You can go as far as you want.

VMS: How do you help people who seek your assistance access their true self? Is this achievable with any individual?

SG: “True self” has three domains of our existence. One is a mystical part of us that we never have a direct access to and let’s not even try to define it. We can interpret it through our “human” perceptions, calling it higher self, or divine, or soul, or spirit, or subconscious; it all will be just a fraction of the truth or untruth. The truth is that it will never fully reveal itself and will remain a mystery at least until we mature enough to experience it without our human distortions.

The second part is our “bandwidth”, the quality of our consciousness that contains everything: our body, emotions, feelings, beliefs, perceptions, mental capacities, etc. It’s like a prism that allows the light to go through and makes it split into its components.

The third part is the spectrum of the life we operate within. So the purity of the prism determines the spectrum of your life, your life niche, your specific “slice” of existence. You’re already your “true self” no matter where you are right now. We don’t fix anything. But what we will do is to make the prism shine and put it into a different spectrum of life. It’s all about frequencies.

I help people get clear and focused about the quality of the prism. It’s like an activation of your higher capacity of taking on what is given to you and transferring it into the material reality. By the way, the clearer you become about your “true nature”, the deeper contact you have with your “mystical part”. It’s not like you become to know it rather than you become to experience it. But it doesn’t really matter. What matters is you become “yours”. Instead of your life happening to you, you will be happening to life.

This is for everyone, absolutely. It’s not a goal. You’re never done. You begin where you are, and you go as far as you want to, as far as you feel ready to go to. Because, as I said, you’re already your true self. The question is: What kind of “true” self? Fear-based true self? Freedom-based true self?

VMS: Are you willing to put some dedication into yourself?

I want just to remind you that our whole world is put into different “light qualities”; we live through the consciousness coming through our prisms. But our prisms are still operating in “old ways” which was alright for old days. Today, it’s crucial, that each individual “clears the prism” and puts oneself in his/her own spectrum of life rather than in the mass consciousness fear-based spectrum of life.

Listen to Svetlana talking about ways you can enjoy life without restrictions:

For more videos, check out Svetlana’s YouTube channel.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan