Romanian Numbers from 0 to 100 and Beyond | Learn How to Count in Romanian

Hi. This is Mihnea. Welcome to Romanian Hub, the Ultimate Romanian Language Learning Portal.

This lesson has 3 parts. In Part 1 we will look at he basics of counting numbers in Romanian (0 to 100), in Part 2 we will learn how to count beyond 100 (to millions and billions), and in Part 3 I will give 10 reasons why it’s a good ideas to learn and master numbers in Romanian with correct pronunciation before moving on to more complex language structures.

So, let’s start. Hai să începem. 

Part 1. Romanian numbers from 0 to 10

0 – zero
1 – unu (masculin); una (feminin)
2 – doi (masculin); două (feminin)
3 – trei
4 – patru
5 – cinci
6 – şase
7 – şapte
8 – opt
9 – nouă
10 – zece

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

LEARN MORE: Check out this lesson for a detailed explanation on numbers in Romanian from 0 to 100. Now let’s move beyond!

Romanian numbers from 10 to 100 in increments of ten

10 – zece
20 – douăzeci
30 – treizeci
40 – patruzeci
50 – cincizeci
60 – șaizeci
70 – șaptezeci
80 – optzeci
90 – nouăzeci
100 – o sută

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Part 2. Romanian numbers beyond 100

Romanian numbers from 100 to 1,000 in hundreds

100 – o sută
200 – două sute
300 – trei sute
400 – patru sute
500 – cinci sute
600 – șase sute
700 – șapte sute
800 – opt sute
900 – nouă sute
1000 – o mie

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Romanian numbers from 1,000 to 10,000 in thousands

1000 – o mie
2000 – două mii
3000 – trei mii
4000 – patru mii
5000 – cinci mii
6000 – șase mii
7000 – șapte mii
8000 – opt mii
9000 – nouă mii
10000 – zece mii

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Romanian numbers from 10,000 to 100,000 in tens of thousand

10000 – zece mii
20000 – douăzeci de mii
30000 – treizeci de mii
40000 – patruzeci de mii
50000 – cincizeci de mii
60000 – șaizeci de mii
70000 – șaptezeci de mii
80000 – optzeci de mii
90000 – nouăzeci de mii
100000 – o sută de mii

Romanian numbers from 100,000 to 1,000,000 in hundreds of thousand

100000 – o sută de mii
200000 – două sute de mii
300000 – trei sute de mii
400000 – patru sute de mii
500000 – cinci sute de mii
600000 – șase sute de mii
700000 – șapte sute de mii
800000 – opt sute de mii
900000 – nouă sute de mii
1000000 – un milion

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Romanian numbers from 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 in millions

1,000,000 – un milion
2,000,000 – două milioane
3,000,000 – trei milioane
4,000,000 – patru milioane
5,000,000 – cinci milioane
6,000,000 – șase milioane
7,000,000 – șapte milioane
8,000,000 – opt milioane
9,000,000 – nouă milioane
10,000,000 – zece milioane

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Romanian numbers from 10,000,000 to 100,000,000 in tens of millions

10,000,000 – zece milioane
20,000,000 – douăzeci de milioane
30,000,000 – treizeci de milioane
40,000,000 – patruzeci de milioane
50,000,000 – cincizeci de milioane
60,000,000 – șaizeci de milioane
70,000,000 – șaptezeci de milioane
80,000,000 – optzeci de milioane
90,000,000 – nouăzeci de milioane
100,000,000 – o sută de milioane

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Romanian numbers from 100,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 in hundreds of millions

100,000,000 – o sută de milioane
200,000,000 – două sute de milioane
300,000,000 – trei sute de milioane
400,000,000 – patru sute de milioane
500,000,000 – cinci sute de milioane
600,000,000 – șase sute de milioane
700,000,000 – șapte sute de milioane
800,000,000 – opt sute de milioane
900,000,000 – nouă sute de milioane
1,000,000,000 – un miliard

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Romanian numbers from 1,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 in hundreds of billions (miliarde)

1,000,000,000 – un miliard
2,000,000,000 – două miliarde
3,000,000,000 – trei miliarde
4,000,000,000 – patru miliarde
5,000,000,000 – cinci miliarde
6,000,000,000 – șase miliarde
7,000,000,000 – șapte miliarde
8,000,000,000 – opt miliarde
9,000,000,000 – nouă miliarde
10,000,000,000 – zece miliarde

Now watch the video presentation to listen to the correct pronunciation of these numbers in Romanian:

Part 3. The Numerical Gateway: 10 Reasons to Master Romanian Numbers First

Learning a new language is an enriching experience, and the Romanian language, with its rich history and distinct sound, is no exception. As any seasoned linguist will tell you, mastering the basics before moving on to more complex language structures is key to proficiency. This principle holds true especially when it comes to numbers.

Numbers are an essential building block of any language, often serving as a gateway to more advanced topics. Here, we’ll explore 10 reasons why it’s beneficial to learn and master numbers in Romanian, complete with correct pronunciation, before delving into the more intricate aspects of the language.

1. Fundamental to Communication: Numbers form an integral part of everyday conversation. From age and time to quantities and prices, we use numbers more often than we realize. Therefore, mastering numbers in Romanian can significantly enhance your communication skills.

2. Builds Confidence: Learning and mastering numbers in Romanian with correct pronunciation can provide a quick confidence boost. It allows you to interact in basic conversations, fostering a sense of accomplishment that fuels further learning.

3. Provides Structure Understanding: Numbers in Romanian follow a consistent and logical pattern. By understanding this pattern, you gain insight into the Romanian language structure, setting a solid foundation for learning more complex language aspects.

4. Enhances Pronunciation: The practice of numbers in Romanian aids in perfecting pronunciation, as they contain various sounds and accents unique to the language. This practice can smooth the transition to more complex words and sentences.

5. Essential for Travel: If you’re planning to travel to Romania, knowledge of numbers is vital. Whether you’re bargaining at a market, asking for directions, or ordering at a restaurant, numbers come into play frequently.

6. Promotes Active Learning: Learning numbers can be interactive and fun, fostering active learning. It’s easy to incorporate numbers into everyday activities, like counting steps during a walk or adding up grocery items, making the learning process less daunting.

7. Basis for Date and Time: Understanding numbers is crucial for telling time and understanding dates. These are everyday skills that will make your life easier when interacting with Romanian speakers or planning activities in a Romanian-speaking context.

8. Aids in Business Interactions: For those interested in business dealings with Romanian partners, a command over numbers is crucial. From discussing financial figures to scheduling meetings, numbers form a significant part of business communication.

9. A Stepping Stone to Grammar: Learning numbers can lead to a better understanding of Romanian grammar. It can introduce learners to gender and plural forms, which are critical aspects of the Romanian language.

10. Builds Vocabulary: Every new number you learn adds to your Romanian vocabulary. Also, as numbers are often used in various phrases and idioms, learning them can provide an unexpected boost to your overall language proficiency.

So, mastering numbers in Romanian is a smart first step in your language-learning journey. It equips you with essential communication skills, gives you a sense of the language’s structure, and boosts your confidence, thereby paving the way for mastering the beautiful Romanian language. So, grab a numeral list (see above and this numbers in Romanian lesson) and start counting your way to Romanian fluency!

Continue counting in Romanian!

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Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan