“I always dreamed of becoming a writer “

Interview with model and author Nicola Mar

Nicola Mar is a model and author who lives in New York, USA. In this interview she talks about her modeling career and her first published novel.


You’ve been involved in modeling for quite some time now. How did you get into it?

I started modeling at age 15 in St. Maarten where I grew up. I always had plans to go to college, and when I graduated, I was scouted in Miami and started working there before coming to New York City.

Was it difficult to break into the market and make a name for yourself?

Yes, this industry is very competitive. But as long as you have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously, clients will gravitate towards you. I have met a lot of different kinds of people and I feel blessed to have been working for so long.

Apart from modeling you also love writing. Where does this passion come from?

Growing up, it was always warm in the Caribbean, so I spent a lot of time outside playing sports with my brother, but I also loved reading. I always dreamed of becoming a writer and have been writing since I was a child. My first short story was published in my school yearbook when I was seven years old. I was thrilled!

Last year you published your first novel, A Red Tale. How was the book received?

I have gotten great reviews so far. It was challenging to write since it was my first book, so I’m just glad that people like it.

For some people, modeling and writing might seem miles apart but to me it makes sense. How do you find the combination of the two?

For me, it works out great. I have a flexible schedule with modeling, so when I’m not working, I go to my favorite café and work on my writing.

How much has New York, the city, shaped your career?

I love New York! The people, the energy, the motivation—it’s all here. Being in this city has really inspired me. I always want to do better and be better.

What are the plans for the future?

Recently, I have discovered that I love writing poetry, so I’m working on a poetry book. I also love traveling and photography is a hobby of mine, so I would like to travel more this year and document my travels through the camera lens.

Visit Nicola’s website and follow her on Instagram.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan