“I advise juicing mostly vegetables with low sugar content to avoid unhealthy spikes in blood glucose levels.” – Interview with health enthusiast and writer Gabriel Both

Gabriel Both is a health enthusiast, internet marketer, and writer from Nova Scotia, Canada and now lives in London, UK. In this interview he discusses his latest book, The 7 Day Juicing Detox, an e-book that teaches you how to detoxify your body and lead a healthier life.


Health and fitness is your passion. How did it all start?

It started about 3 years ago during my university degree when I was swept into the deluge of partying and drinking. One night I had a terrible experience (I won’t go into detail!), which caused me to have a severe panic attack. This led to the symptom of de-realization, also known as de-personalization, where you feel like you’re watching the world and yourself through a glass wall. Emotions were gone and completely burnt out… It was so scary. This experience took me a week to finally snap out of. Then the adrenal fatigue started along with full-on depression. My recovery took over a year to get back to normal.

I vowed to myself that I will never drink or ingest anything again that is harmful to my body. From that day onwards, I started reading alternative health books and discovered super foods, juicing, and raw foods. It helped me so much with my recovery and I’m so passionate about it because I know whole foods from nature are the best we can give our bodies. Anything else we do to our food makes it less whole and therefore less healthy.

In your latest book, The 7 Day Juicing Detox, you promise readers that you can help them lose 7 lbs in a day by simply juicing?

I’m not promising exact results, since everyone is different. One should definitely consult with your doctor or nutritionist if you have any health problems or concerns before going ahead with this diet or any diet for that matter. The information in this interview is to be used entirely at your own risk.

With that said, it is totally possible to lose 7lbs or more within 7 days if you prepare yourself properly and follow the 7 Day Juicing Detox plan. It’s about cleansing your body from toxins, which build up inside your body through unhealthy eating and lifestyle. Toxins are stored in the fat tissues and in order to keep your pH levels and toxicity levels low, your body retains water in those tissues to dilute the toxins. This leads to weight gain. By detoxing, you flush them out and thus you can lose weight rapidly. Also, during a juice detox you are just consuming liquids, which pass easily through the digestive tract and allows your body to burn the extra fat. It is normal to feel hungry and have cravings during this period.

Gabriel Both-7-Day-Juicing-Detox

Everyone seems to think that living a healthy life is financially demanding. Please comment.

Yes and no. You can buy expensive or you can buy cheap. You can certainly live extremely healthy with a frugal budget by exercising daily and getting your fruits and vegetables from the local market, as well as buying in season. On the other side, you can just buy 100% organic from high-end stores, which mark up the price. It’s up to you how much you want to spend. There is still a cost to living a healthy lifestyle so you need to prioritize your finances. It’s your body and if you value your health, you will find a way to make it happen.

There are so many websites promoting healthy lifestyles. What makes your project special? 

Agreed. There are thousands of juicing books and programs out there, which is fantastic, but what makes The 7 Day Juicing Detox special?

The e-book is more than just a book. It’s a guide and a reference to help you jumpstart your health. It includes exclusive audio interviews with some of the top juicing experts in the world that I personally interviewed. It has some of the best hand-picked recipes from juicing fans and a user-contributed Q&A section. The resources section guides you to some excellent resources if you wish to go beyond the 7-day detox, for example, a 92-day juice feasting program. Furthermore, when you buy the book, you get to be on my exclusive email list where I share special offers and information with you. It’s something unique to just being another e-book out there.

What are your 3 best reasons why people should go on a juicing detox? 

There are SO many benefits to juicing, so it’s hard to pick the best ones. Here are the three that stand out:

1) To cleanse your body from toxins and substantially increase your energy levels. Toxins are poisons to the body and the symptoms are often fatigue, tiredness, and low energy. When you flush out the junk, your energy and vitality are restored to normal.

2) Your skin health will improve dramatically. Your skin is the largest organ of the body and is the place where toxins are released when the kidneys and liver are already overloaded. Acne, rashes, and many other skin ailments are often caused by built up toxins in the body trying to be released. Countless people report seeing their skin “glow” and become healthier after they go on a juicing detox.

3) Prove it to yourself. I could write a whole list of benefits you will receive by going on a juice detox, but the only way you’ll realize them is by DOING IT. That’s when your life changes – when you see the changes and results in your own life. Not by reading success stories (although those are great motivators!).


What about the high sugar content found in some fruits?

Yes, that’s a legitimate concern. I advise juicing mostly vegetables with low sugar content to avoid unhealthy spikes in blood glucose levels. Avoid many fruits and limit the number of carrots, beets, and root vegetables you juice which have high sugar content. It’s ok to add an apple or two in your juice to boost flavor, but stick mostly to green vegetables. Diabetics and hypoglycemic people should be extra careful and should not do a detox unless approved beforehand by their doctor.

So what happens after a 7-day juicing detox diet?

Good question. What most people do is they fall back into their old patterns of eating and lifestyle. Please, don’t be one of the millions who “diet” and then stuff themselves with cake afterwards. The juicing detox is supposed to be a jumpstart to your healthy lifestyle. It cleanses you so you are better able to transition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s not just about juicing – it’s about building strong habits of healthy eating, exercise, and proper self-care. Therefore, there’s more than just you and your juicer. My e-book program will go into more depth on how to do this. You can get the first 3 chapters free if you visit the website link above. See you there!

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan