The Chevron Moustache: The Ultimate Style Guide


The Chevron moustache, characterized by its thick, wide growth across the upper lip and its distinctive ‘V’ shape, is more than just a facial hair style. It’s a symbol of confidence, a statement of individuality, and a testament to a timeless aesthetic. From the likes of Freddie Mercury to Tom Selleck, the Chevron moustache has graced the faces of many influential figures, embedding itself in our cultural psyche and leaving an undeniable mark on our perception of masculinity and style.

In this ultimate guide to Chevron moustaches, we delve deep into the world of this iconic style. We explore its history, its impact on popular culture, and its role as a gender signifier. We also provide practical tips on how to grow, maintain, and style a Chevron moustache, and even delve into the psychology of facial hair.

Whether you’re a seasoned moustache wearer, considering adopting the style, or simply intrigued by its charm and character, this guide aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the Chevron moustache’s unique appeal.

1. A Brief History of the Chevron Moustache: Cultural Roots and Famous Personalities

The Chevron moustache holds an interesting place in the annals of history. The style, distinguished by its thick and wide coverage of the upper lip, has been adopted by many influential figures across different eras. From military men in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, to political figures and celebrities in more recent decades, this facial hairstyle has been used as a mark of distinction and character.

The term ‘Chevron’ itself refers to a V-shaped pattern, which resembles the broad sweep of this type of moustache. It saw a surge in popularity during the 1970s and 1980s, with celebrities such as actor Tom Selleck and musician Freddie Mercury popularizing it through their iconic looks. Their influence helped cement the Chevron moustache as a powerful statement of masculinity and individuality.

The Chevron moustache continues to be a significant facial hair choice today. It manages to straddle the line between neat professional grooming and a rugged, individualistic look. The cultural impact and continuing popularity of the Chevron moustache is a testament to its timeless appeal.

2. The Aesthetics of the Chevron Moustache: How It Defines Your Face

The Chevron moustache possesses an aesthetic appeal that combines simplicity with distinctiveness. The style has a profound impact on the facial features, significantly accentuating the upper lip and adding an element of gravitas to one’s appearance. It can complement different face shapes, though it particularly flatters those with wider or square-shaped faces.

Moreover, the Chevron moustache adds balance and symmetry to the face, as the thick, full growth commands attention and helps draw focus to the center of the face. This also has the added effect of enhancing the appearance of the jawline and cheekbones, contributing to a more masculine, assertive look.

There are many variations of the Chevron moustache, and their aesthetic impact can vary. For instance, a thick, densely packed Chevron moustache can create a more intense, commanding appearance, while a slightly less dense version can evoke a softer, more approachable look. Either way, the Chevron moustache is a testament to the transformative power of facial hair.

3. Grooming 101: How to Grow and Maintain a Chevron Moustache

Growing a Chevron moustache requires time, patience, and the right grooming techniques. For starters, it is important to let your facial hair grow out for several weeks to achieve the necessary thickness. During this growth period, it is recommended to keep the hair clean and conditioned using specialized beard or moustache products to maintain its health and manageability.

Once you’ve grown a full moustache, the next step is to shape it into the classic Chevron style. This involves trimming the hair along the top of the lip line using a good quality razor or beard trimmer, and cutting the hair at an angle on the sides to create the signature ‘V’ shape. Regular maintenance is necessary to preserve the shape and neatness of the Chevron moustache.

Lastly, products such as moustache wax or balm can be used to keep the hair in place and to add some shine and depth to your moustache. Using these products not only helps maintain the shape of your Chevron moustache, but also conditions the hair, keeps it healthy, and allows for easier styling.

4. In Pop Culture: Iconic Characters Sporting the Chevron Moustache

In popular culture, the Chevron moustache has long been a defining feature of iconic characters, both real and fictional. For instance, actor Tom Selleck‘s character in the TV series ‘Magnum P.I.’, Thomas Magnum, was as known for his investigative skills as he was for his distinctive Chevron moustache. Similarly, Freddie Mercury, the lead vocalist of the band Queen, is remembered as much for his powerful voice and charismatic stage presence as for his iconic Chevron moustache.

In movies too, the Chevron moustache has found its place. From the sophisticated James Bond to the ruggedly charming Indiana Jones, the moustache has added a unique character to many on-screen personas. In animated series as well, characters like Ned Flanders from ‘The Simpsons’ have popularized the Chevron moustache, demonstrating its wide-ranging influence in shaping memorable characters.

Whether it’s in music, television, movies, or animation, the Chevron moustache continues to be an influential part of popular culture. Its ability to add depth and character to personalities makes it a favorite choice for character development in the entertainment world.

5. The Chevron Moustache and Masculinity: An Exploration of Gender Signifiers

Throughout history and across cultures, facial hair has often been associated with masculinity, strength, and maturity. The Chevron moustache, in particular, has come to signify a certain robust and assertive masculinity. It is broad, bold, and prominently displayed on the face, making it a strong symbol of virility and power.

The Chevron moustache is a symbol of traditional masculinity, but has also been embraced by individuals who align with different expressions of sexuality. Notably, it became a popular style in the gay community in the late 20th century, with figures like Freddie Mercury showcasing it.

Ultimately, the Chevron moustache carries certain historical and cultural associations with masculinit. In the contemporary world, the Chevron moustache is a versatile style choice that showcases the owner’s masculinity.

6. Personalities and Chevron Moustache: What Does Your Facial Hair Say About You?

Facial hair styles, including the Chevron moustache, can offer insights into one’s personality. Those sporting a Chevron often radiate confidence, authority, and a sense of individualism. This is likely because maintaining a well-groomed moustache requires consistent effort and commitment, signaling a disciplined and meticulous personality.

Additionally, choosing a Chevron moustache could indicate a preference for classic and timeless styles, suggesting a personality that values tradition and consistency. Given its prominence, it could also suggest a person who is comfortable being the center of attention, and who is unafraid to make bold, independent decisions.

Of course, these are general observations and individual variations abound. The way a person chooses to wear and maintain their Chevron moustache – from its thickness to its grooming – can further modify these personality perceptions, making each Chevron moustache as unique as the individual wearing it.

7. The Chevron Moustache in Fashion: From Past to Present Trends

The Chevron moustache has seen its popularity ebb and flow along with changing fashion trends. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was a common sight among the military and intellectual circles. Then, it re-emerged in the 1970s and 80s as a popular style, thanks to celebrities and public figures like Tom Selleck and Freddie Mercury.

In the following decades, its popularity slightly diminished as clean-shaven looks and other beard styles gained traction. However, the Chevron moustache has been making a comeback in recent years, with the resurgence of interest in vintage and retro styles.

What sets the Chevron moustache apart in the realm of fashion is its versatility. It can be paired with a range of styles, from formal to casual, and it can seamlessly blend with contemporary fashion trends. Its longevity and continued relevance is a testament to its timeless appeal and adaptability.

Moustache Styles Guide

8. How to Style a Chevron Moustache: Products, Techniques, and Tips

Styling a Chevron moustache can enhance its appearance and shape. One key tool is moustache wax, which helps maintain the structure and form of the moustache, while adding some shine. Regular use of beard oils can also help keep the hair healthy and soft, which will make styling easier.

A key technique when styling a Chevron moustache is to follow the natural growth pattern of the hair. Trim and shape the moustache so it follows the curve of the upper lip, and keep the sides relatively short to maintain the distinct ‘V’ shape. For individuals with wavy or curly hair, a bit more maintenance may be required to keep the moustache neat and in shape.

In terms of style, the Chevron moustache can be paired with a clean-shaven face for a classic look or with a beard for a more rugged appearance. Pairing it with the right haircut and fashion style can further enhance the look. While some prefer the old-school charm of pairing it with slicked-back hair and vintage clothing, others might opt for a modern pairing with a trendy haircut and contemporary fashion.

9. The Psychology Behind Facial Hair: The Perception of Chevron Moustaches

Facial hair, including moustaches, is more than a fashion statement. It can affect how individuals are perceived and how they perceive themselves. Numerous studies have suggested that men with facial hair, including those with a Chevron moustache, are perceived as more mature, masculine, and dominant.

However, perception can vary based on the context. For instance, in professional settings, the Chevron moustache might be seen as an indication of confidence and authority. In social settings, it might be perceived as a sign of individualism and non-conformity.

It’s important to note that these perceptions can be influenced by various factors, including cultural norms, societal trends, and individual biases. Ultimately, the choice to sport a Chevron moustache is a personal one that can reflect one’s self-image and personal style.

10. Interviews: Personal Experiences and Stories from Chevron Moustache Enthusiasts

The stories of those who sport the Chevron moustache can provide unique insights into the allure of this style. For many, it starts with the decision to grow a moustache and then discovering the style that suits them best. Some speak of the patience and discipline required during the initial growing phase, while others talk about the daily grooming routine and the satisfaction it provides.

Enthusiasts often share the reactions they receive from others – a mix of admiration, curiosity, and sometimes, surprise. Many talk about how their Chevron moustache became a part of their identity, a conversation starter, or even a source of inspiration for others to experiment with their facial hair.

These personal stories offer a glimpse into the world of Chevron moustache wearers – a community bound together by their appreciation for this distinctive style. Their experiences highlight the personal journey of self-expression, individuality, and the unique bond that exists among the bearers of the Chevron moustache.

READ MORE: 14 Moustache Styles Explained | The Ultimate Guide to Your ‘Stache


As we’ve journeyed through the diverse aspects of the Chevron moustache, it’s clear that this particular style is far more than a simple grooming choice. It’s a symbol of character, an accent of personal style, and a subtle statement of individuality. From its historical roots to its modern-day interpretations, the Chevron moustache carries a rich tapestry of cultural, psychological, and aesthetic significance that makes it more than just a trend, but rather, a timeless icon.

Whether you’re inspired to adopt this style or simply fascinated by its distinct charm and enduring popularity, we hope that this ultimate guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the Chevron moustache. Regardless of changing trends, the Chevron moustache remains a potent symbol of self-expression and individualism, a testament to its timeless allure. As you navigate your own grooming journey or appreciate the diversity of personal styles around you, remember the rich story woven into every Chevron moustache, and the unique narratives it continues to tell.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan