Act 3: Go and Tell Your Mom – ‘The Ironman. A Play’

Read Act 2: “I’m Busy Now”

During this time the MESSENGERS see the IRON MAN coming very close. They come to inform the family about the danger.

(The IRONMAN comes near the stage.)

WASAN: Can you see that over there?

ALICE: Yes, I think they are the MESSENGERS!

WASAN: Let’s go and meet them!

(They go to meet the MESSENGERS.)

ALICE: Where is the IRON MAN?

CHIEF MESSENGER: He is very close. You should abandon the house right now!

WASAN: Oh, no?

CHIEF MESSENGER: Warn your family! Abandon the house!

MESSENGERS: Warn your family! Abandon the house!

(The MESSENGERS go back.)

ALICE: We have to tell BRANDON.

WASAN: Yes, yes, let’s tell him now!

(ALICE and WASAN run to the room where BRANDON just finished his homework.)


BRANDON: Calm down! What happened?

ALICE and WASAN: The MESSENGERS were here again.

BRANDON: And what did they say?

WASAN: They said the IRON MAN is very close…

ALICE: … and that we should abandon the house!

BRANDON: Oh, no! Let’s go and tell Dad!

(The 3 of them go to see FATHER who is sleeping.)

BRANDON: Dad, Dad…

FATHER (sleeping in the armchair): Did you finish your homework?


FATHER (still with eyes closed): Ok then. Now you can go and play with your brother and sister!

BRANDON: But Dad, the IRON….

FATHER (sleepy voice): I’m tired. Go and tell your Mum.

BRANDON: Mum, mum…

MOTHER (drinking coffee): Yes, my dear?


MOTHER: Stop this nonsense. Go and play.

BRANDON: But mum, just listen…

MOTHER (still drinking coffee): Let me drink my coffee in peace. We’ll talk when I’m finished.


FATHER and MOTHER: Go and play. All of you.

(At that moment there is a loud noise! FATHER gets up scared.)

FATHER (waking up): What was that?

BRANDON: I think it’s the IRON….

MOTHER (with the cup to her mouth): Shhh, listen, something is coming this way!

BRANDON: DAD, let’s go right now!

FATHER (looking around angrily): Don’t be silly, go where?

Illustrations by Eric Barrientos

(To be continued)

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan