10 Quotes a Day: Bushido, Business, Calamity, Camels, Cars, Cats


1. “For a man to serve his lord faithfully, it was not enough to jump blindly into the fray and brandish a lance. He must go all the way, to the brink of death.” (Eiji Yoshikawa, Musashi – Book One: The Way of the Samurai)


2. “If everybody minded their own business the world would go round a deal faster than it does.” (Lewis Carroll, Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland)


3. “She believed roasting chicory was the best power to ward off calamity.” (Virginia Hamilton, The House of Dies Drear)


4. “Horses are faster, but camels are smarter.” (The Scorpion King – motion picture)


5. “For there are men who can look, listen, tap, make an adjustment, and a machine works. Indeed there are men near whom a car runs better.” (John Steinbeck, Cannery Row)

6. “A racer is like a matador. Neither are any good until they have tasted fear. Once they have done that, they develop their skill. They don’t do foolish unnecessary things. They just drive to win.” (Harold Robbins, Stiletto)

7. “Everybody had to die sometime. That was the chance you took when you got behind the wheel.” (Harold Robbins, Stiletto)


8. “A home is not a house without a cat.” (Proverb)

9. “Cats are notoriously sanitary, continuously licking at themselves when they suspect that there is the slightest cause for offense.” (John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces)

10. “How could one cat produce that amount of odour?” (Ian Rankin, Being Frank)

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan