Grab Life by the Horns: How to Travel the World & Remain Financially Successful

Life is all about making the right decisions in the pursuit of happiness and success. The trouble is, a lot of people sacrifice their happiness to gain success. There are countless people that want to live a certain life, but they just can’t. They want to travel the world, but other areas of their life stop this from happening.

Primarily, money gets in the way of their happiness. We may not like to think like this, but money really does make the world go round. It’s nearly impossible to get by in life without having a regular stream of income and making a good amount of money. In fact, if travelling is your passion, then money is essential.

As such, many people are left with a dilemma. They want to travel, but they don’t have the money to do so, and they know that at some point they have to settle down and get a job. In the end, they sacrifice their true passion for doing the ‘normal’ and ‘safe’ thing, which is getting a job and staying put.

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Well, what if I told you this wasn’t the only option? What if you didn’t have to choose between travel and financial success/a job? It’s simple, grab life by the horns and stop doing things for other people, and start being in charge of yourself. Start a business, and you can travel the world while remaining financially successful.

How? Well, that’s what we’ll discuss in the remainder of this piece. Below, you will find lots of tips and tricks to help you run a business and travel the world at the same time.

Expand Your Business Globally

Starting a business doesn’t mean you’re confined to one place. In fact, it gives you an excuse to travel to different countries in pursuit of more business. You can go all over the world and take your business ideas to different communities and different cultures. It’s the perfect excuse to get out of the office and go travelling for a month or two. There are articles on sites like that show the best countries to start a business. It makes sense to visit some of these to help grow your business, right?

Consequently, you have a perfect reason to travel and can gain something out of it too. The bigger you get, the more chances you’ll have to go to other places and grow your business there too.

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Outsource Important Work

A lot of you may be reading this and thinking that starting a business limits your travels more than a regular job due to all the work and responsibilities you have. Here’s the thing, as a business owner, you’re in control of your own schedule and workload. It’s silly to try and do everything on your own. Instead, focus on what you’re good at, and what your primary aim is. You could do all the lead chasing and travel around the country/the world trying to grow the business.

At the same time, you could hire employees or outsource work to other companies too. As you can see on, there are companies offering HR outsourcing for business owners. Get an HR company in to take care of a huge chunk of your work while you handle other areas such as travelling to conferences or finding more leads. Likewise, you can see plenty of companies offering customer service outsourcing or marketing outsourcing. Free yourself from tasks you can’t do or aren’t good at, and you can focus on the frontline offensive which can include travelling.

Maintain Constant Communication Channels

Communication is very important if you want to run a business. Plus, its importance is heightened when you’re running a business and may be elsewhere in the world. If you’re due to go somewhere on the other side of the world for a business meeting, you need to remain in contact with your people back home.

As such, you must have as many communication channels open as possible. This means ensuring your phone works in different countries without fail. Thankfully, there are many communication and messaging apps that operate over an internet connection, as seen here So, all you’ll need is a wifi connection, and you’re in contact with everyone back home on the other side of the world. The thing is, you can’t afford to lose contact with these people. Otherwise, things could go wrong, and you may have loads of people trying to reach you with important information on important decisions. If you can’t be contacted, then bad things could happen to your business, and you may not be financially successful anymore.

Set Your Work Schedule & Aims

What you’ll notice from the above three points is that travelling while running a business is different to travelling while unemployed. Mainly, your travels revolve around your business aims. You go places based on a professional interest and can make the most of your time there. You’re still able to go to these different places and have fun, but your primary reason for travelling is your business.

But, this doesn’t mean you’re confined to business breaks only. No, you can still take time off to go on holiday or travel the world. In fact, you can set your work schedule to allow you plenty of time off to relax and travel. All you have to do is set aims for yourself and strive to achieve them by a certain point. Essentially, you work overtime for a period, then have a rest period of travelling. It’s a great way to enjoy a more relaxed travel experience while still running a company.

As you can see, there are many ways in which you can travel while running a business and remaining financially successful. To sum up, look for business opportunities all over the world to give you an excuse to travel. Then, ensure you have people back at your main HQ handling all the work you can’t do, which enables you to go on these business trips. Keep in contact with everyone, and develop a schedule that allows you to travel more by working harder.

Now, you can be happy and see so much of the world while running a business and having financial success.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan