“Chicago-style politics” – When fiction meets real life (or the other way around)

G.A. Beller is a self-proclaimed political junkie, who has recently published his debut novel, Not Black and White. In this interview he talks about the themes of the novel, what “Chicago-style politics” means, and his plans for the future.

After 35 years in the investment business, what has driven you to become an author?

Throughout my career in the investment business, I advanced my knowledge of financial markets and the global political decisions which drive their directions and trends. I was determined to understand politics on not only the local level, but on the national and global levels as well. The more I read, the more I formed strong opinions, and those strong opinions fueled my desire to write. This passion to write had been on the back burner until I was able to devote the time to make becoming a serious writer my priority. Now that time has finally come, and I intend to become a relevant writer as my new primary career.

Chicago-style politics

So much of the material in Not Black and White seems to be straight the headlines. Why did you choose to publish this book as fiction?

I don’t believe the articles in newspapers or online are necessarily accurate. Additionally, many publications have their own agendas, and therefore the information in the articles may be biased. Though I primarily used these previous writings to formulate the basis for the story of Not Black And White, I was unwilling to accept the information as accurate or factual. I don’t think anyone is capable of telling this story as non-fiction. As an aspiring writer, when I started this book I wanted to create excitement and entertainment, which required a great deal of speculation. My creative juices took over, and I chose to fictionalize the characters and events with my goal to provide the reader with an entertaining novel.

How much of the action (and characters) in Not Black and White is true and how much has been fictionalized?

Since the story is loosely based upon the true characters and events, and I question many of the facts as previously written, I am speculating on how the stories played out. I cannot say with certainty, nor am I willing to share my opinion, as to what events actually happened as written.

You have stated publicly that you voted for Obama in the 2008 election. How has your view of President Obama changed since researching and writing Not Black and White?

I did vote for President Obama in 2008. I did my best to avoid any personal perspective relating to my political views. My writing of Not Black And White did not influence my personal opinion of Obama. My views of Obama have, however, been formulated based upon the actions and policies of the President and his administration during the past six years.

What does the phrase “Chicago-style politics” mean to you?

What makes Chicago unique in the realm of politics and power?

Chicago is one of the most difficult cities to govern for a number of reasons. It might be the most diverse city in the country, as it became a melting pot for immigrants of all nationalities. Settlers from around the globe have established neighborhoods. The city became a major center for trade, creating labor and cultural challenges since the 19th century. To this day, labor unions dominate the political landscape. Additionally, organized crime has been associated with Chicago for as long as I can remember.

Although Chicago doesn’t stand alone in the challenges of crime and corruption in politics, its mayors have been challenged to make it “The City that Works.” The political machines in Chicago and Illinois have been at the center of media coverage for over a century. “Chicago-style politics” has earned its reputation by those in power playing by their own rules, which in many cases has landed numerous political figures in front of the cameras on their way to prison. Not Black And White depicts a prime example of just such an era in Chicago-style politics.

What projects are you working on?

I am co-authoring a second novel, which is about a childless couple that sponsors a young girl from India through a national children’s fund. It’s based upon a true story, taking readers on a miracle ride spanning a thirty-five year period. The reader will experience the changes to the lives of the main characters and hundreds of thousands of others. This novel will be the first in the Defining Karma™ book series, and will be an ongoing program for G. Anton Publishing.

Thank you for your time.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan